
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our First Post Ever!

Well, this is an experiment to see if I'd actually keep up with a blog, for the sake of my sweet children- and any other family members or friends that may want to see what we're up to over here at the Hansmeyer House. I do apologize for the lack of 'blog experience' that you will encounter until I get used to this. Recently, we've been making some major "home-furnishing" changes. We took a trip to Ikea last week (and walked about 5 miles... don't ask) and bought ourselves some much needed bookcases.

Before: (if you know me at all, you know that THIS wasn't going to "work" for any extended amount of time in my home)


We also found a bed for Amelia's room/aka: guest room through a homeschool yahoo group. Finding my MIL sleeping on the floor her last visit made me realize the Futon wasn't going to be an option anymore for company- EVER. Today that involved Jake and I taking apart her bed (which is a bottom bunk to Calvin's) and putting it back together in his room. It's 7pm, and the kid's keep "pretending" to go to bed (the excitement is too much to handle, I think).

Amelia and I have done some fun 'button' art. A new mobile and button monogram are ideas I got from my new favorite addiction, Pinterest.
I don't know what it is about buttons, but I have many fond memories as a child sorting through my mother's amazing button collection and making some pretty awful attempts at jewelry that no one ever wore, but were so much fun to make. I wish I had that vintage button collection. It was amazing! We're making do with some pretty cool ones of our own, though.

He took today off so that mean's we've got two more days with him, and since we've worked all last weekend and today, we will be taking it easy the next two days- starting tonight with some Little Caesar's pizza and our favorite family show, Phineas and Ferb. Good night, all-

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